ELWAVE | Bookstore |
Order process
Here is some additional information on our order process:
- After you have submitted an order, you will receive a
confirmation email acknowledging that we have received the
order and we will then start processing the order.
- Software will be shipped upon receipt of payment. You
will receive an email with download link and license information.
No physical shipping is needed.
- We accept payment by credit card or by money transfer.
The fastest way is by ordering using a credit card, money
transfers usually take a couple of days up to a week before
we receive it.
- Orders by credit card will be processed by our payment
provider Ogone. On completion
of the order you will be redirected to a secure page on
the Ogone website where you can safely enter your credit
card details. When the transaction completes succesfully
you will then be taken back to our website and you will
directly receive an email with download link and license
- ELWAVE does not run inside a virtual machine. The license explicitly excludes using the software on a virtual machine.