The module price of the TARGET CLUSTERS module
has been set at $250. If you purchase a full end-of-day or
intraday package you are entitled to a 50% discount on the
TARGET CLUSTERS module, so this module will only cost $125.
The TARGET CLUSTERS module requires the full
End Of Day or Intra day version, which consists of the BASIC,
AUTOMATIC and TRADING SIGNALS modules (plus Intra day for
full Intra-day version) to run. The 50% discount only applies
to this full version, not the Trial version of ELWAVE.
Target zones
Combines Fibonacci time and price targets
in combination with wave count alternatives to project an
expected path for future price movements. In addition
hot spots are visualized in the chart which show high
probability target zones where prices are expected to travel
Below we give an example of this new feature:

(click image to see full 1280x1000
picture. 107KB)
Time clusters
Now Fibonacci time clusters can be displayed in an indicator
pane. These clusters project sensitive time periods where
important reversals are more likely. The more clusters near
a specific date the better the chances that the market will
reverse from a top or bottom.
These time clusters can be based on the patterns found by
the automatic Elliott analysis or on a user defined swing
filter and Fibonacci ratios. It is a very interesting research
tool for determining at what point in time important changes
can occur.
Basic functionality |
EASI (Elliott Advanced Signal Indicator)
indicator in stead of the "ADVICE" column. Essentially
the same information is presented but differently to
make clear the Summary Inspector is a tool, not a black
box with buy and sell signals.
Metastock 6.5 supported
TC 2000 4.0
Keyword data format
Elliott histogram
User customizable Color charts
Stock split
Improved printing
Printing of Summary inspector together
with chart
Improved analyse wave degree
Improved memory management
Improved real time feed support